VT Munro Smart-Beta UK Fund
The Fund aims to maximise overall returns by seeking to replicate the performance of the Elston Smart-Beta UK Dividend Index. The Fund will invest mainly in large and medium sized companies, except investment trusts, that are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Fund′s portfolio will be determined by investing most in those companies that are expected to make the larger dividend payments. For detailed information, please refer to the Key Investor Information Document.
- The provides exposure to systematically-selected income-generative UK equities
- The fund tracks an index whose security selection process captures changes in forecast dividends; weights holdings by forecast dividend contribution; and adjusts for dual-listings
- The fund pays out a monthly distribution to Income unitholders
Our ″smart beta″ approach reflects that there is a differentiated (″smart″) approach to index investing (″beta″). The fund′s index∗ follows the following systematic approach:
∗The fund′s index is the Elston Smart-Beta UK Dividend Index
- Forward-looking
- Dividend-weighted
- Monthly-income
Annual Report 2024
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Application Form VT Munro Smart-Beta UK Fund - Individuals
Application Form VT Munro Smart-Beta UK Fund - Institutional
Key Investor Information - Class X
Latest Factsheet
Assessment of value statements are published annually for this fund - These reports are useful to give an overview of how the Fund has performed in comparison to industry comparators.
TCFD Reports
The latest net asset value per share is as follows:
X Class Net Accumulation |
208p |
X Class Net Income |
99p |
Net Asset Value as at 12:00 on 7th February 2025. |
Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results
Questions and Queries
For frequently asked questions or further information about your holdings or this fund please:
Email the Fund Team smartbeta@valu-trac.com or call us on: 01343 880 344 and quote the fund name.
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